When Is The Best Time To Replace Your Carpet?

Posted on November 3, 2022 at 2:51 pm

At some point, our homes are going to need their carpets replaced. Whether this is because we are just moving in, or the carpet has become so worn down that we fancy a change. When is the best time to replace them?

Well, this question is fairly simple to answer. The best time to replace your carpets is before you move in. If you are able to stay in your old place or elsewhere. this is ideal. It is easier to replace carpets in your home before loads of furniture have been put inside. This reduces the amount of work needed to place the new carpet. As with furniture, you will need to move it around when taking up and putting down the carpet. So, the best time is when the property is empty. If this is not doable, then after you have finished decorating, but before the rooms are full with all of your stuff.

Posted in Flooring