Laying lino onto damaged flooring
Posted on October 13, 2017 at 11:47 am
Lino flooring is becoming an increasingly popular choice of flooring in many homes, in kitchens and bathrooms in particular.
The quality of lino has improved considerable over recent years, and the old reputation it once had is well and truly in the past. Lino is a durable and hard-wearing flooring option, and that’s why it is so popular in those high traffic areas of the home. It is easy to clean making it perfect for bathrooms and kitchens which require particular attention cleanliness.
Lino flooring cannot be directly laid onto damaged flooring, so if you have broken concrete or uneven floorboards they will need to be prepared first before the lino in laid. You can even out the floor by placing a thin layer of MDF to flatten out the bumps, alternatively you could get the floor screeded to even out the bumps. Once prepared the lino can be placed on top on a underlay to provide extra comfort for your feet.
Posted in Flooring, Lino Flooring