Design Ideas For A Modern Living Room

Posted on July 12, 2020 at 8:26 pm

People want a more modern looking living room for not the expensive cost. What interior design ideas could you use to make your living room look more modern in 2020?

A feature wall with a dark paint can help your room to look more modern. People are now using grey paint with a navy or red feature wall. Adding a piece of artwork or mirror on to this wall helps to break up the darkness.
Glossy white furniture is another interior design idea which can help your living room look more modern. This furniture has come into fashion in 2020 with more people wanting this style.
Finally, stylish rugs are another popular choice. A rug with geometric patterns can help your living room look more modern. Match these with the colour on your feature wall to tie the whole room together.

All of these can be completed at a low cost with not too much effort.

Posted in Flooring