Is It Normal For New Carpet To Fray and Shed?

Posted on May 12, 2022 at 9:45 am

When you purchase new carpets for your home, you may notice sheds of carpet appearing. This can be a worry if you have never purchased a new carpet for your home before. But, we are here to tell you that this is completely normal. Due to the carpet being cut to fit your room perfectly. It is normal to see areas fraying around the edge of your carpet. Once all the frays have gone, you should notice that these do not reappear. Fraying and sheds of carpet can also be due to how new the carpet is. Some of the fluffiness is going to go away through shedding. Again this shouldn’t last a long time, a few times over with a vacuum should get them up and your carpet will become perfect. So, don’t worry about your carpet fraying and shedding, this is completely normal and will pass.

Posted in Flooring